ReAnna's new site \ :) /

Welcome to my new site! It's a place of handwritten HTML and Markdown. It's a bit barebones right now, and not very pretty, but it might get better over time.

If you stumbled into here by accident: I go by ReAnna, and I'm most known as a GeoGuessr player and a developer of GeoGuessr tools like and the street view evolution tracker, sv-map.

Right now this place hosts a small programming blog that I haven't named yet. Expect some posts about how sv-map and work! I am not aiming for the site to just be a blog. There will be small posts that function like a blog, but I'm also hoping to add more "living" material and get away from the linear posts-by-most-recent-date format. This home page will list such living material in the future.

The first thing to look forward to will be an old-school travelogue for my trip to South Korea and Stockholm!

Find the yet-unnamed programming blog here.